We use different CMS such as Blogger or Wordpress to do blogging.As compare to blogger , Wordpress themes are more stylish and creative.People usually prefer to use wordpress themes as it provide many relevant features which are more flexible to use.They help the user to play with different tools provided by them through which he can work more flexibly and he can create more professional website.
Instead of blogging some people are passionate about development and they can earn easily by making themes , widgets and apps.This is an other way to earn by creating these things.If you are aware of creating wordpress themes than you can earn easily through freelancing and by catching different projects on internet.Today we will discuss about creating themes using different tools on wordpress.There are relevant ways to create themes with the help of which you can generate more traffic by making SEO friendly designs.More ever you can also make stylish and responsive themes according to your need.These relevant methods are given below.
You can also read : Top 5 SEO tools for Wordpress
Instead of blogging some people are passionate about development and they can earn easily by making themes , widgets and apps.This is an other way to earn by creating these things.If you are aware of creating wordpress themes than you can earn easily through freelancing and by catching different projects on internet.Today we will discuss about creating themes using different tools on wordpress.There are relevant ways to create themes with the help of which you can generate more traffic by making SEO friendly designs.More ever you can also make stylish and responsive themes according to your need.These relevant methods are given below.
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Create Themes by Frameworks for wordpress :
When you will search about different frame works you will notice bundle of frameworks for making themes.We have chosen best of frameworks by our knowledge and experience which will help you to make a responsive designs.You will be also facilitated a lot and you will create any themes without spending a single penny.This is more fascinating and helpful.So here are the few frameworks given below :)1) Whiteboard :
The most essential and older frame work named as Whiteboard is working since 2008 and it has changed the life of the designers and working gently.It consist of well structured , clean and standard code base.It also offers more dynamic classes than other paid frame works.The most helpful thing is the less use of CSS adaptive grid systems through which you can create mobile-ready website in no time.2) Hybrid Core :
Hybrid core is one of the most helpful frame work for php lovers as it provides variety of php code through which you can control layouts , images and galleries etc.It has easy layout and it also search engine optimized which is quite essential.It allows the user to create website according to his needs.It also translation ready template.The bad hing that it is not a free frame work and you must have to pay to use Hybrid core.3) Gantry :
This is the most featured frame work consists of dozen of widgets , built in extendable AJAX.This is helpful and ideal for those who want to create extra ordinary template for their website.Its advantage is that it 100% free and can be used by beginners as it provides very easy interface.It is also fully responsive based frame work and it is also available for wordpress and joomla.You can also read : Top 5 SEO tools for Wordpress